14 June 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Well, we've been married one year, and are still crazy about each other, so I recommend this whole marriage thing! Chris is the best husband I ever could have asked for, and we're excited to be starting year two :) On to less mushy things...

So we've moved for the second time, and it was a bit easier. Seems we've figured out even more things we thought we needed, but we really don't. The trip back to LA on July 1st shouldn't be nearly as hard as it could've been. I am thankful, however, that we both feel called to this lifestyle, because we could not have made it without God's help! There have been moments, especially in the last couple of days, where we just look around at all the boxes and laugh out loud to each other at the craziness we've chosen! I am also very grateful for the genes my father donated to me, allowing me to pack tons of things into small spaces! Thanks Poppa!

Other than settling in with some other good friends of ours (generous to allow us to live in their beautiful home), Chris is studying and I'm trying to gear up for the months ahead with my dwindling work schedule. Life is good and we are blessed! Enjoy the couple of pictures of us taking in a beautiful sunset at Fort Lauderdale beach on our anniversary. Looking forward to the more elaborate celebration this weekend!

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