01 February 2011
Houston Zoo
25 January 2011
New Orleans comes to a close...
For now, we are heading on to our next adventure. Houston should prove to be equally as special, in getting to know my wonderful brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Erin, and their 13 month old son, Gabriel. We are looking forward to helping any way we can and getting to know their much-bragged-about Houston friends! This week is packing week, and we'll head up this weekend. For now, I'm off to play a rousing game of Settlers of Catan with my other brother and sister-in-law, Nick and Shell, and Chris. My brother, Trent, got us hooked, and we can't seem to stop! Have a great night, all, and I hope to post pictures later!
12 December 2010
October, November, December Pictures :)
October, November, December... Finally!!!
At the end of September, I drove to Greenville, SC by myself then flew to Hawaii to celebrate my brother's graduation with his PhD. My mom and I were able to see his dissertation defense and put on a party for him for his friends down there. We had Gumbo and lots of other delicious food. We even got to see the Blue Angels air show with the beautiful Oahu mountains in the background... it was awesome! Congratulations, Dr. Dupuy!
From there, I flew back to Greenville, and recovered from the time change after a few days :) Chris had already started his Critical Care rotation at the Greenville Hospital System and was enjoying living with our friends, the Geracs. We were blessed to be able to stay with such an awesome family and share their life with their three beautiful children. Their oldest is 8, second oldest is 5 and the baby of the family is about 19 months. While there, Chris worked a good bit, but we were able to help them with the kids and do some cooking in their outdoor kitchen. We enjoyed grilling and the beautiful South Carolina weather! Towards the end of the month, we all went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway for a little bit of sightseeing around Devil's courthouse. We then headed back down to Dolly's for ice cream, which was even better than I remembered, YUM! Chris and I also had the pleasure of joining our very good friend Lindsay Imhoff for an LSU game in Charlotte, NC. She was doing a rotation there for October. As always, we were sad to leave, but excited for our next adventure.
On Halloween weekend, we headed through New Orleans (to see Chris' family) to get to Lafayette for Nick's (Chris' 16 year old brother) race that Saturday. We barely caught the race (due to a crazy spill on the basin) but saw the end and enjoyed Po-Boys after, yum! Chris and I were blessed to spend the rest of the weekend with Katie and Paige Rees and family (of L'Angelus http://www.cajunrecords.com) for the first time in a very long time! (probably before the wedding!) After catching up, we headed to Shreveport for Chris' Anesthesiology rotation in Shreveport, LA with Dr. Lex Hubbard. Chris had such a wonderful rotation with Dr. Hubbard at Willis Knighton that it solidified his decision to pursue Anesthesiology as his specialty. We are blessed and so excited that Chris has found the area of medicine that truly makes him happy and excited for his future career.
While he enjoyed going to work, I enjoyed helping my parents with various project around the house. We completely reorganized both of our their garages and installed some pegboard for better organization in the future. Chris helped in his spare time, and we were really able to help them out with stuff that has been needing to be done for years. We even got to use a power washer, my new favorite power tool!! Needless to say, it was great to spend time with my parents. It was also wonderful to have Trent home for Thanksgiving for the first time in 7 years! We enjoyed watching football for the first time on Thanksgiving (Saintsgiving so to speak) and loved eating a ton of delicious Thanksgiving food. We also shared the holiday with our cousins, the LaBorde's.
After our last week in Shreveport, we headed over to Dallas to see our cousin's and their parents. We enjoyed a lot of great Dallas food and hospitality. We even met up with a friend of Chris' for the Saints game, where the restaurant had a whole room reserved for the game. It was great, as there were 30 fans there, and it felt almost like we were at the stadium toward the end, with chants and cheers and high fives. It was fun!!
After we returned from Dallas, we celebrated Chris' birthday with my family, said our "farewell's for now," and headed on down to New Orleans. And that brings me to today! Chris just returned from a fun guys weekend on a houseboat in the Atchafalaya Basin, and we are about to have some delicious home-cooked rotisserie roast prepared by the one and only Zip Franco. We are prepared to cheer on the Saints and enjoy a glorious Gaudete Sunday. Happy Advent and I will try to post again sooner rather than later! Pictures will follow this post... Geaux Saints!
P.S. Happy early birthday to my honey, who turns 27 tomorrow! So glad he was born! :)
04 September 2010
Jacksonville and Do-It-Yourself Projects with the Saturn

Since I've had some free time on my hands (still no sign of a temp job here), I decided to do some work on my 99' Saturn. I didn't take any before pictures, kicking myself for that, but here are some during and after pictures. The most important thing to do was to repair the headliner (that was hanging down on our heads, it was so bad). Taking some confidence from a friend of mine that had done his successfully, I decided I'd try it. After many online tutorials, I managed to get the steps right. First, as shown below, I took out the dash board.

Next, I took apart all the pieces that held it to the ceiling, the door liners, sun visors, and handles. Chris helped me wiggle it out, and as you can see, it's a mess.

After that was done, I just got the fabric from JoAnn Fabrics and some 3M 90 Spray adhesive and went to work.

After the top was glued down, I went to work to trim the edges to get it on. It's very similar to wrapping a cake in fondant, so I liked it :) I also took an exacto knife to the little holes in the top to cut them out.

And this is the final product! Now, to just get it back into the car...

Thankfully, my loving husband helping me, and we got it in in a jiffy. I simply snapped everything back into place and we were ready to go!

Well, of course except for the fact that that was only one thing I wanted to get done on the car. Then, I washed, clay bricked, and waxed for a gorgeous, like new finish! As you might not be able to see, I also took off my windshield wipers and refinished them. Mrs. Ellen helped me by sanding the rust off, then I painted them with black spray paint. Looking pretty good!
But that's not all! THEN, I restored the headlights to their original sheen, or should I say, the plastic casing. It was old and yellow and cloudy on the left headlight (still not perfect, but looking good) and just cloudy on the other one. The kit involves sanding with different grits then polishing, then buffing, but it's worth it! They look great and should greatly improve the vision at night.

And that's it for now! It was a great project, and I look forward to making the Nissan as good as new as well. Thanks for reading, and I'll keep you posted on any adventures to come!
22 August 2010
Last weeks in "paradise"...
Hello all!
Well, as I write this entry, I am a bit sad in thinking of leaving our friends here in our South Florida "home." Thankfully, we've had a great last month here! The pictures are from our deep sea fishing trip and sort of going away dinner yesterday. The first picture is of our friends Marla and Kyle, generously offering their home as ours these last few weeks. It sure has been fun! Next, Lindsay and I enjoy the last part of our fishing trip (although we caught nothing) and we see a NASA boat off on a mission. Nine of us on the trip and only two fish! Unbelievable! But, it was still a lot of fun. After passing out for the afternoon, we got ready for a scrumptious appetizer filled dinner. Marla made a delicious Mango Black Bean Salsa, Man Dip (lots of meat), and gourmet mini sandwiches. I made a pecan pie and bruschetta (deeelish!). Lindsay did a great taco salad and peanut butter pie mini cheesecakes. The picture is of Marla, Lindsay, and me enjoying watching Peter defeat Super Mario Bros. It was a good night with good friends and fun!
10 August 2010
July Adventures!
03 July 2010
Key West
Well, Key West was BEAUTIFUL and a wonderful way to celebrate our anniversary! I've included a nice array of pictures from our adventure. We left early Saturday morning and got a full two days in! On Saturday, we toured the streets and enjoyed the Key West culture. We did a sunset cruise with a live band for dinner and then enjoyed Sloppy Joe's nightlife afterward. On Sunday, we got up early and went to Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea. It was a beautiful church! Soon afterward, we went on a jetski tour around the whole island... 27 miles and it was awesome!
Needless to say, it was well worth the trip, even if it was a week late :)
Soon after, however, we began the packing experience yet again! I finished up at The Little Gym, and began to divide our things into "need for a year" or "see you in a year!" After many hours of work and a day of jury duty (for me), we finally left on Wednesday for New Orleans. It was such a joy to be back in the beautiful Louisiana. For now, we're enjoying the Franco's and a little time for fun while Chris gets ready to take boards on Tuesday in Baton Rouge. Any prayers sent our way for that will be greatly appreciated! We can't wait for the Franco-Trew wedding next week and all the family fun ahead! Thanks for reading, and I'll update y'all again soon!
14 June 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Well, we've been married one year, and are still crazy about each other, so I recommend this whole marriage thing! Chris is the best husband I ever could have asked for, and we're excited to be starting year two :) On to less mushy things...
So we've moved for the second time, and it was a bit easier. Seems we've figured out even more things we thought we needed, but we really don't. The trip back to LA on July 1st shouldn't be nearly as hard as it could've been. I am thankful, however, that we both feel called to this lifestyle, because we could not have made it without God's help! There have been moments, especially in the last couple of days, where we just look around at all the boxes and laugh out loud to each other at the craziness we've chosen! I am also very grateful for the genes my father donated to me, allowing me to pack tons of things into small spaces! Thanks Poppa!
Other than settling in with some other good friends of ours (generous to allow us to live in their beautiful home), Chris is studying and I'm trying to gear up for the months ahead with my dwindling work schedule. Life is good and we are blessed! Enjoy the couple of pictures of us taking in a beautiful sunset at Fort Lauderdale beach on our anniversary. Looking forward to the more elaborate celebration this weekend!
04 June 2010
Memorial Day in Fort Myers
Here are some pics from our recent trip to Fort Myers. I finally got to see a West Coast sunset and explore the gulf! It was a lot of fun, and very nice to finally visit Myles instead of him always coming here! In the last picture, you MIGHT be able to see the dolphin fins on the far right. I know they were super far away, but I was excited nonetheless! We are trying to live it up as much as we can before we leave the beautiful sunshine state. Enjoy and I'll hopefully be posting again soon!